Email Templates

Response to Application

Hi {name},

Thank you for your application. Your experience looks absolutely perfect for the position and we would be more than happy to have you on the Maintainer team. I will be sending you an introductory email with the current Maintainers momentarily. Thank you again for volunteering and welcome to the team!

Best, {name}

Introduction to co-Maintainers

Subject: Welcome new Maintainer!

CC Current lesson Maintainers

Hi {names},

I would like to introduce {name}, who has just joined the {lesson name} Maintainer team. {name} has experience with {relevant things}. {name} is also {other roles in the community}. They are excited to lend a hand on the {lesson name} lesson and to be a part of this maintenance team. I will be setting {name} up with the appropriate GitHub permissions in the next few days. It would be great if you all could arrange a meeting to discuss logistics and help {name} get oriented. Please let me know if there is anything else you all need. Great to have you on the team {name}!

Best, {name}

Community information for new Maintainer

Subject: Getting connected with the Maintainer community

Hi {name},

Thank you again for joining the Maintainer team! I am excited to have you on board and wanted to give you some information about how to get connected up with the community. In addition to working directly with your lesson team, there are also opportunities to connect with and learn from the broader Maintainer team. Please sign up for our mailing list on TopicBox ( and the maintainers channel on Slack (I have sent you an invitation). Those two channels are the primary communication channels for Maintainers and will be where you see announcements around technical changes, lesson releases, and other issues related to lesson maintenance.

Please also "watch" the maintainer-RFCs GitHub repo ( and your lesson repo, so that you can keep up to date with issues and PRs in those repos. The maintainer-RFCs repo is where we hold discussion around issues relevant to the broad Maintainers community.

Please also consider joining our monthly Maintainer community calls. You will find information about those meetings on our Etherpad ( and on the community calendar (

Please let me know what questions you have and welcome again to the team!

Best, {name}