
The names “The Carpentries”, “Software Carpentry”, “Library Carpentry”, and “Data Carpentry”, and their associated logos are all trademarked.

You do not require approval to use these trademarks in some cases. Stating accurately that a workshop is a Carpentries workshop, or that a workshop is based on Carpentries material, is always allowed. It is acceptable to use the trademark in acknowledging or crediting The Carpentries in journal articles, conference presentations and keynotes, grant applications, and the like. In those cases, you may use the term “The Carpentries” or the unaltered logos to indicate this, without our prior approval.

If you have any doubts about your intended use of the trademarks, please write to us at team@carpentries.org and one of our team members will advise.

Virtual Backgrounds

Virtual backgrounds featuring the logos of The Carpentries lesson programs are available for download and use in the Carpentries Commons GitHub repository.