Teaching Non-standard Carpentries Workshops

A standard Carpentries workshop must cover the core lessons for that lesson program's curriculum. Read more about the Software Carpentry, Data Carpentry, and Library Carpentry lessons. The workshop must also be taught by at least one certified Carpentries Instructor. While Instructors do receive lesson program specific badges, The Carpentries considers any badged Instructor qualified to teach any lesson.

All our lessons are available under a Creative Commons license, so anyone is welcome to use our lessons as they wish, provided they attribute them back to us. We often get questions about certified Instructors running non-standard workshops -- meaning they cover a portion of our curriculum but not the whole thing.

We are excited to hear when this happens! We know this happens because our community members recognise the value of our curricula and have taken the initiative to adapt it to other contexts, where a two day workshop covering our full lesson set may not be the best fit. This demonstrates a lot of effort by the instructors and organisers. Also, while the impact on the learners is different than what we would expect from a full workshop, there is still something significant that learners are taking away from this event. If you are running a non-standard workshop using Carpentries materials, please let us know by completing this form so we can ensure your workshop is recorded in our system.