Event Registration using Eventbrite

Host sites can opt to use their own systems for registering learners at their workshops, or we can set up a registration page using Eventbrite.

Logging In

The Workshop Administration Team will have log in credentials from The Carpentries. They will give hosts of individual events access to log in to that event only.

Contact team@carpentries.org with questions about logging in.

Creating a New Event

Click on “Manage Events” under “CARPENTRIES”

../../_images/eventbrite_start.pngEventbrite new event

You will see Live, Draft, and Past workshops. To create a new event, you can use one of the existing drafts as a template. Click on “Drafts.”

../../_images/eventbrite_livedraftpast.pngEventbrite events

Select “Manage” under the template for the appropriate Carpentries lesson program.

../../_images/eventbrite_selectdraft.pngEventbrite select draft

Copy this event, giving it a meaningful name.

../../_images/eventbrite_copyevent.pngEventbrite select draft ../../_images/eventbrite_copyevent2.pngEventbrite copy event

You can now set up the new event page.

../../_images/eventbrite_locationanddate.pngEventbrite new event location and date

Fill in the address for the event location. If you don’t see boxes for address, city, state, country, etc., click on “Enter Address” to display them.

Fill the start/end date/time information. Note that Eventbrite does not let you have multiple day events, so for an event that goes 9 am to 5 pm both January 1 and 2 you have to make it look like it starts at 9 am on January 1 and goes until 5 pm on January 2. Otherwise Eventbrite treats it as two events. Be sure to select the correct time zone.

The overall template includes a templated description of the event. Update this with the start and end times, the GitHub link, and link to the pre-workshop survey. You can also add in any other information specific to that event.

../../_images/eventbrite_description.pngEventbrite new event description

Create Tickets

Eventbrite allows for both free and paid tickets. These settings can not be changed once the event has been published, so be sure to verify this in advance. You can have a mix of free and paid tickets.

../../_images/eventbrite_tickettypes.pngEventbrite ticket types

If the workshop is entirely free, delete the paid ticket option by clicking on the trash can icon (or delete the free option if all tickets are paid).

Click on the gear icon to edit settings for that ticket type.

For free tickets, you can customise the ticket type name. Edit the number of tickets available and dates when ticket sales start and end.

../../_images/eventbrite_freeticketsettings.pngEventbrite free ticket settings

For paid tickets, you can customise the ticket type name. Edit the number of tickets available and dates when ticket sales start and end. Edit the cost per ticket. Select “Absorb fees.” You must also set a refund policy - be sure to confirm this with the host site.

../../_images/eventbrite_paidticketsettings.pngEventbrite paid ticket settings ../../_images/eventbrite_refunds.pngEventbrite paid ticket settings

At this point the event is almost ready to be published. It is a good idea to let the host contact look over the page before it goes live. You can do this by initially publishing it as password protected.

../../_images/eventbrite_savepassword.pngEventbrite password settings

Make it a private event, requiring a password.

You can now either save this event if you need to work on it more, or publish it (make it live).

../../_images/eventbrite_saveorpublish.pngEventbrite password settings

This will take you to your event dashboard where you can monitor ticket sales. Click “view” on the top right corner to see what this page will look like publicly.

Share this link with the host site along with the password you created so they can look over the page and confirm that it looks good, or suggest changes if needed. Once it looks good, select “edit” from the dashboard and remove the password so the page can be shared publicly.

Giving Hosts Access to View Registration

Often a workshop host will want to check in to see who is registered, manage the waitlist, email registrants, etc. You can set this up through Account Settings.

../../_images/eventbrite_acctsettings.pngEventbrite account settings

From here, select “Multi user access” from the options on the left.

You will see a list of all email addresses that have access to at least one of our events. If you are giving an existing user access to a new event, select “edit” next to their email address. Otherwise click the “Add Email Address” button at the bottom of the page.

Enter the person’s email address and give them access to their event only.

../../_images/eventbrite_newuserevent.pngEventbrite new user event access

Give the user access to at most the following actions only:

  • Edit event details not including payment options

    • Edit ticket types

    • Customise the registration page

  • View order and attendee reports (read only)

    • Manage orders and attendees

    • Access to aggregate financial data

  • Send invites, manage contacts, and email attendees

  • Check in Attendees

../../_images/eventbrite_newuseractions.pngEventbrite new user event actions

The user should get notifications for:

  • Order confirmations

  • Contact the organiser

  • Refund requests

../../_images/eventbrite_newusernotifications.pngEventbrite new user event notifications